Cloud Service
As we moved our sensor data to the IOT Cloud, we can manipulate the data for useful applications. But many people are sceptical about storing their data in the Cloud. Before we go further in arguing on the topic of privacy, let’s take a look at the four main categories of sensor data ownership:

  1. Personal and Households – These are all personal items, such as mobile phones, wrist watches, spectacles, laptops, soft drinks, food items and household items, such as televisions, cameras, microwaves, washing machines, etc
  2. Private – Business organisation, has the right to take the decision whether to publish the sensors attached to those items to the cloud or not.
  3. Public – Infrastructure such as bridges, roads, parks, etc. All the sensors deployed by the government will be published in the cloud depending on government policies.
  4. Commercial Sensor Data Providers – Business entities who use and manage sensors by themselves by keeping ownership. They earn by publishing the sensors and sensor data they own through sensor publishers.

Once we can categorise the ownership of the data, we will be able to use them to become “IOT-as-a-Service” or “sensing-as-a-service” (check the concept in the Slideshare here) meaning that we can provide a free or chargeable service to any person who wishes to view or manipulate the data

The benefits of “IOT-as-a-Service” are
as follows:

  1. Harnessing the creativity of application developers
  2. Built-in cloud computing – “Pay-per-Use.”
  3. Participatory sensing – Rapid deployment via “crowd-sensing” method
  4. Sharing and reusing – “free and paid.”
  5. Reduction of data acquisition cost – “sustainable business model
  6. Collect data previously unavailable – “Assist the scientific community or survey activities.”

It’s also possible to combine different multiple sensor data sources and create many innovative applications such as combining between parking sensor data and public transport data, between environmental data and flood detection data, between river quality data and fertility of soil data. An IOT service provider can provide such services and thus, it will certainly open up many opportunities to generate new ways of monitoring and managing our valuable assets. You might want to continue the M2M and IOT Communication LinkedIn Group discussion that I have posted here – “Are there any IOT Cloud Service Providers?” and “What do you think about the idea of “Sensing-as-a-Service”?

[Article originally published at LinkedIn – “Six (6) Benefits of IOT-as-a-Service“]


  1. Internet of Things – Will It Fly?
  2. Sensing-as-a-Service – An IOT Cloud Service
  3. 4 Reasons Why Internet of Things (IOT) Adoption Will Not be as Slow as IPv6?
  4. Using Smartphone as the “Sensing Device” for Crowdsourcing Applications
  5. Internet of Things (IOT) Target market – Consumer (B2C) or Enterprise (B2B)?
  6. 4 Main Challenges to Become an IOT Service Provider
  7. How to Self Quantify A Network Using Internet of Things (IoT)?
  8. The Early Adopters of Internet of Things (IoT)
  9. How to Create Knowledge from Raw Data Using Internet of Things (IoT)
  10. Commercial IOT Sensor Provider
  11. Can IOT Answer These Questions?
  12. Avoiding Malaysian Floods Using IOT
  13. The Importance of IOT Data Sets in Malaysia
  14. Five (5) Reasons Why “Things” (IoT) Require Their Own Facebook
  15. Will IoT Make You Lazy?
  16. Four (4) Compelling Reasons to Adopt IoT

About the Author

Dr. Mazlan Abbas is the CEO of REDtone IOT. He can be reached at . You can follow him on LinkedIn at or Twitter at . For further details, check out

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